Electric car market in Ukraine - statistics for April


Fresh statistics of the electric car market in Ukraine for April. Enumeration of models, sales statistics, rating.

Electric cars are becoming more and more popular, and many countries are reducing taxes in every possible way, thereby stimulating the purchase of vehicles of this class. According to reports, in April, the Ukrainian electric car market increased by 38 units. Despite the quarantine and the introduced measures regarding the coronavirus, April became a record for electric cars in the primary market (the first vehicle registration). If we compare the statistics for April 2019, then electric cars were bought 14 times less, comparing the statistics for March, then the demand decreased 11 times.

The fall in demand not only for electric cars, but also for other vehicles is due to quarantine. Starting from mid-March 2020, the service centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs stopped accepting documents for vehicles of the secondary market, which for the most part display sales statistics.

According to statistics, the most popular electric car was the Audi E-Tron; in April, 10 copies were put on the primary account. The second position was simultaneously shared by two electric cars Porsche Taycan and the new BMW i3. There were 7 sold copies for each model.

The top three are closed by Jaguar I-Pace and Hyundai Ioniq Electric, according to available information, 4 electric vehicles of each model were sold. Since the beginning of the year (in the period from January to April 2020), 1,747 electric vehicles have been registered, from this number 159 copies were new, and 1,588 were used electric vehicles. It is most likely that with the weakening of quarantine, the number of initial registrations of electric vehicles will increase, as the shutdown of the economy played a role.

Fresh statistics of the electric car market in Ukraine for April. Enumeration of models, sales statistics, rating.

|| rss | Fresh statistics of the electric car market in Ukraine for April. Enumeration of models, sales statistics, rating.
Electric cars are becoming more and more popular, and many countries are reducing taxes in every possible way, thereby stimulating the purchase of vehicles of this class. If we compare the statistics for April 2019, then electric cars were bought 14 times less, comparing statistics for March, then the demand decreased 11 times.
The fall in demand not only for electric cars, but also for other vehicles is due to quarantine. Starting from mid-March 2020, the service centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs stopped accepting documents for vehicles of the secondary market, which for the most part display sales statistics.
According to statistics, the most popular electric car was the Audi E-Tron; in April, 10 copies were put on the primary account. There were 7 sold copies for each model.
The top three are closed by Jaguar I-Pace and Hyundai Ioniq Electric, according to available information, 4 electric vehicles of each model were sold. It is likely that with the weakening of quarantine, the number of initial registrations of electric vehicles will increase, as the shutdown of the economy played a role.
