The most mystical highways of 2019: TOP-7


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  • Top mystical highways

Accidents occurring in the same place, failing devices, mirages and strange visions - a geopathogenic zone, an anomaly or a simple human error? About the most mystical highways in the world - in our review.

Top mystical highways

1. "Black echelon" in Buryatia

Driving along the Ulan-Ude - Gusinoozersk highway, motorists often experience a chilling horror.

A column of emaciated people, escorted by equally tired armed soldiers, appears before their eyes. Usually they wander along the highway in the hours of sunset and simply disappear if they catch up with them.

This picture has been repeated for many years, and therefore it is difficult to write it off as the story of one driver who was dozing off at the wheel. Only the details of what they saw and the time of the meeting with the ghostly column differ. Someone sees rifles, someone bayonets, someone's clothes resemble rags, and someone's robes of priests. Due to the fact that the column traditionally appears at dusk, it was nicknamed the “black echelon”.

Local residents are sure that such a vision takes place, because almost all of Ulan-Ude is built on bones... Scientists and archaeologists have found in these lands and burials over 8,000 years old, and Cossack cemeteries, and mass graves of the Kolchak era, and during the years of repression, thousands of inhabitants were shot at, throwing them into ravines.

There is no documentary evidence of the execution or arrest of clergymen, which drivers see as ghosts on the highway. It is not known whether they are witnesses of the past atrocities that have not found peace or have cursed these places, but the southern route has long and deservedly been called one of the most emergency in Buryatia.

2. American "Bermuda Triangle"

This route is a favorite "place of pilgrimage" for psychics, mystics, ufologists and other lovers of the unknown.

A very small section of the path, just 15 km near Albuquerque, passes through a picturesque desert area and abuts an equally breathtaking mountain range.

It is named the road to nowhere due to the fact that it is a dead end and is exclusively for tourist purposes - to show the beauty of these wild places. That's just, according to the New Mexico police, it was on this highway that at least 17 people disappeared, including entire families.

Despite the fact that the police for a long time kept silent about the horrifying information, the workers of the roadside cafe confirm the disappearances of people, which actually took place before their eyes.

One married couple split up, as the wife and children wanted to ride along the road while the father of the family finished his dinner. They wanted to be absent only for a few minutes, but they never returned, although the search was conducted for a long time.

During investigations on the road, no traces of the attack, no belongings of the missing, or wreckage of cars were found that could help establish the cause of the unexplained disappearances.

Someone thinks that the drivers simply turned into the desert and drove on to the San Mateo mountain range. Someone blames the uninhabited places and the gangs living in the vicinity for everything, who can kill people for profit and bury them in rugged places. Finally, even a version of UFOs abducting people was put forward, which is even less likely than previous assumptions.

Whatever happens on this track, it equally attracts desperate adventurers and repels ordinary travelers, even despite the stunning scenery.

3. Road 666

Although the legendary track was “renumbered” in Highway 491, it will not get rid of the sad “satanic” fame.

Uniting three states at once - Utah, Colorado and New Mexico - it almost from the first days began to collect the first victims. It is surprising that it has neither dangerous turns, nor intersections or junctions, and all accidents caused, according to the stories of the drivers, extremely mystical things.

Perhaps no other highway in the world has so many legends: here is a chic black limousine ramming trucks, and passengers voting on the road, who do not have a face or an entire head, and a young woman wandering along the road in a white shirt. The drivers who came out to stretch their muscles were allegedly attacked by demon dogs, which drove them crazy with their only howl.

Travelers everywhere reported temporary gaps, disorientation, and some loss of memory.

The situation was only changed by the inventory of American roads, as a result of which the highway at first recklessly received the "devil's number" - 666, and in 2003, after requests and complaints from drivers, it acquired a good designation 491. Statistics showed that the accident rate after renaming decreased several times, although the devilry did not end completely ...

4. Anomaly in Tarnov

A section of the road near this Polish city is officially recognized as an anomalous zone, as evidenced even by information boards.

Scientists and researchers are absolutely confident in the presence of so-called geopathogenic sites that emit negative energy that can harm the mental and physical health of the body.

What exactly is happening around Tarnov has not been established for certain, however, even experienced drivers with many years of experience simply leave their cars out of control. As a result of the loss of control for unexplained reasons, cars take off into the oncoming lane or even turn over into a ditch.

Motorists could not explain what was happening until studies showed that it was on this section of the road that people had an increase in blood pressure and heart rate, while their pulse dropped to almost zero. That is, the driver begins to experience oxygen starvation, which causes a blackout and loss of control over his actions.

As scientists explain, not every person is capable of reacting to a geopathogenic zone - for the most part, they pass the dangerous territory without visible consequences. The remaining 5% of people will experience disorientation and poor health, causing accidents and becoming dangerous to themselves and others.

5. "Traffic jam" in Saxony

The first mystical incident on the motorway in Saxony happened in 1930, when four dozen cars at one time just stopped in the middle of the road. No matter how hard the owners made, they could not start their vehicles.

For exactly an hour, the amazed drivers stood on the highway, completely paralyzing the movement, after which all engines started up in the same way.

The unique incident was reported in many countries around the world, but no explanation was found. Since then, there have been no more anomalies of this magnitude on the track, although to this day it is famous for unexplained and major accidents.

So, in 2012, 25 cars collided here at once for no apparent reason. The truck driver lost control of the flat road, although there was no fog or rainfall that day, prompting further collisions.

6. Paranormal page

Driving into the city of Krasnodar from the side of the Elizavetinskaya village, drivers who know the local specifics slow down in advance. After all, this kilometer-long road along Stepnoy Street, which has good coverage, road markings and signs, by itself provokes terrible accidents.

This section of the road is disliked even by the traffic police, who are forced to regularly travel here for really bloody and inexplicable incidents.

After the discovery in this region of a necropolis dating back to the second century BC, psychics happily blamed everything on negative energy, which affects the consciousness of people in the field of its action.

Drivers did report feeling unwell and seemed to have a clouded mind. Another version says that the brick for the road was once taken by the Red Army from a permitted church. And, perhaps, there is another geopathogenic zone that leads to involuntary victims.

7.239 km

The new route between Bremen and Bremerhaven was very much awaited, because it was supposed to become wider, safer and provide faster travel. Only the very first year of its operation caused more than a hundred accidents, and mainly in the same place - near 239 km.

The surviving drivers made excuses to the police officers by the sudden loss of control over the car, which happened in the daytime, on a dry and deserted road.

While the police and scientists were trying to figure out what had happened, the road sign "239 km" was removed, and the area around it was sprinkled with holy water.

Exorcist Donald Omand is convinced that this kind of traffic accidents are caused by demonic forces that subdue the drivers. Thus, the phenomenon of cursed places arises, which is confirmed by conversations with a variety of drivers who have fallen into similar stories.

Based on Dr. Omanda's research, the BBC even made a documentary about mystical sites, guarding evil spirits and their exorcism ceremonies.


There are a lot of so-called "roads of death" all over the world, and each will tell its own legend. What are the numerous accidents and unexplained incidents actually associated with? There are many versions, investigations, proofs and refutations of this - scientists, archaeologists, exorcists have been trying to unravel these mysteries for decades, while car accidents and deaths continue in the meantime.
