How to repair car shock absorbers


The content of the article:

  • Shock absorber device
  • Terms of operation
  • Typical breakdowns
  • Diagnostics

An automobile shock absorber is a device that absorbs vibrations or various shocks passing from the roadway to the body. Such vibrations of various systems are suppressed by pistons operating in viscous media. Thanks to such media, the amplitude of the oscillations decreases.

The constant contact of the car with the road surface requires the well-adjusted operation of the shock absorbers. They are also responsible for the safety of the suspension, ensuring constant traction with the surface of the car's wheel tracks.

Modern motorists are often faced with a complete failure or breakdown of the suspension system, the main parts of which are shock absorbers. Therefore, urgent repairs are required, which will save the car owner from further complications. Such repairs should begin with a detailed diagnosis.

Shock absorbers are rear and front. In order to repair such critical parts, a detailed knowledge of the structure itself is required.

Shock absorber device

A modern shock absorber is a complex device consisting of different parts. Shock absorbers are replaced exclusively in pairs. In case of damage or breakdown of one rack, the car owner will have to change both. During the restoration process or when repairing the shock absorber, you must use the vehicle operating manual. A detected malfunction requires careful study and appropriate solutions.

The process of repairing the shock absorber must be prepared accordingly. This will require the following tools and materials:

  • car kit;
  • screeds;
  • support goats;
  • rack key;
  • new cartridge.

After preparing the listed devices, you can begin directly repair work.

The current safety regulations require the installation of the vehicle on pre-prepared trestles. In this case, it is necessary to set them correctly. The fastening bolts of the lever and the stem nut are unscrewed, then the fasteners are removed and the shock absorber is removed. Removing the shock absorber is quite easy if the fasteners are unscrewed correctly, but you must not forget to remove the internal thread.

The front wheel drive is connected to the shock absorber by a spring. This applies to front-wheel drive models. Therefore, in order to remove the device painlessly, it is first recommended to disconnect it from the spring. Screw ties are ideal for this kind of work.

After completing the dismantling of the shock absorber, you can remove the internal parts from it. First, the old cartridge is removed, in place of which a new one is installed and tightened with a nut. By replacing the cartridge, you can return the shock absorber to its place using the described steps.

After completing the repair, the vehicle should be sent to a service center to perform the alignment of the camber-toe system. Experts also advise, when repairing or restoring shock absorbers, to diagnose and check the main elements of the car suspension, including the steering rod, brake hoses, rails, blocks.

Terms of operation

Just like any product or part, shock absorbers have their own operational and replacement periods. Restoration or repair of the device should be carried out immediately after the discovery of a breakdown and malfunction. As for their complete replacement, it is performed every three years.

To increase the operational life, the following simple rules are recommended:

  • refuse to use the delivery for lifting the suspension, which can damage the shock absorber rod;
  • avoid high speeds when driving on damaged roads;
  • in winter, preheat the oil in the shock absorbers.

If you decide to raise the car body, you need to take care of installing shock absorbers of the appropriate size. Awkward handling can cause rapid wear on not only the shock absorbers, but the entire suspension as well. And in winter, to start driving, you must use a low speed and low gears.

If all the above operating rules are observed, timely diagnostics, as well as repair or restoration of shock absorbers, a significant increase in the service life of the entire vehicle is possible. Repair work is carried out in accordance with the nature of the detected malfunction. Do not forget about the innovative non-collapsible shock absorbers that cannot be repaired.

Typical breakdowns

Every experienced motorist is familiar with the typical malfunctions of this unit. If oil leaks, this indicates a depressurization of the stem packing, which can cause a complete loss of performance of the part.

Also, attention should be paid to the shock absorber in case of too free movement in the stem tube. A similar malfunction is caused by damage to the internal valves.

You should also be wary if there is a backlash during rebound or compression. The consequences will be the same as with broken valves. The device will no longer be able to perform its direct functions, and the car will emit knocks, rumblings and other unpleasant sounds while driving. Driving in such a car is not only uncomfortable, but also quite dangerous.

Of the external damage, cracks in the lugs or dents on the housings can be distinguished. Such minor problems can lead to more serious damage and even affect the chassis. Finding any sign of a similar breakdown, the rack is removed and released from the spring.

The best way to detect shock absorber problems is to check the stability of the vehicle itself, both at high and low speeds. The owner should pay attention to how his "iron horse" reacts to bumps or holes and how quickly it restores balance when hitting such irregularities.

If even the slightest deviations are found, it is necessary to view the shock absorbers in detail. Analyzing the state of protection, you should inspect the anthers. For such purposes, flyovers or special pits are used, allowing you to inspect both the front and rear shock absorbers from below.

If the anthers are torn or even slightly damaged, it is better to install a new protector. It is the anthers that are responsible for protecting the shock absorbers from small particles of dirt in the holes, which over time leads to all sorts of breakdowns or damage. If the shock absorber lacks such protection, its service life is significantly reduced.

Shock absorber diagnostics

Taking into account the main function of the shock absorbers - to reduce the rolling of the machine on uneven road surfaces, it is quite easy to determine the malfunction. The main sign of failure of this device is an increase in vibrations and the appearance of unnecessary noise that was not felt before.

If the wheels of the car fall into a hole, then you can hear the sound of punching, which is also considered an additional sign of a breakdown. So you can find out about the need for an early replacement or repair of shock absorbers. However, a more detailed study of the problem will be required.

First, a visual inspection of the part and its thorough examination is necessary. If an oily leak is found, it is imperative to carry out repairs and return the shock absorber to working condition.It should be noted that the process of diagnosing this device at the stand is a rather complicated task, so many try to immediately purchase new shock absorbers or repair the struts using a repair kit on their own.

The shock absorber is considered to be a consumable item, which must be changed after a three-year period. The bad condition of Russian highways reduces this time several times - the suspension breaks down much earlier than the time specified by the manufacturer. However, you should not despair in advance, as well as throwing away the broken part. If the shock absorber cannot be repaired, it can always be replaced.

A leak on the shock absorber indicates a leak, which can lead to more deplorable results. Therefore, you should not postpone repair or replacement of a part.

Before choosing a method, it is necessary to take into account several factors, including the cost of a new part - if it will cost the car owner the same as repairing, you should not get your hands dirty. In addition, repairs require certain skills. Don't forget that a rebuilt shock absorber won't last long.

In general, a shock absorber is a multifunctional part that is responsible not only for damping body vibrations, but also for braking. It ensures the stability of the vehicle. Therefore, having well understood the essence of the operation of such a device, the driver will be able to understand the problem in time and make the right decisions to eliminate it. Even after going through MOT, the shock absorbers can suddenly creak or leak, so you need to monitor them constantly.

Most modern cars are equipped with so-called non-separable shock absorbers. This means they cannot be repaired. Unlike collapsible counterparts, they have a five-year warranty period. And on high-quality highways, they will last even more.

There are also pumped shock absorbers. For such models, the gas backpressure has been changed, which performs a restructuring of operational characteristics if the car is subjected to heavy loads. They work perfectly up to breakdown, performing the additional option described above. If such a shock absorber fails, it will be quite difficult to repair it.

The fact is that models with pumping during repairs overlap the hydraulic fluid pipes, which are responsible for the health of the entire part. It is almost impossible to carry out such repairs without the intervention of specialists and special equipment. And the purchase of a new part will cost several hundred dollars.

Experts recommend using only original components for repairs and not trusting cheap fakes - after all, the coherence of the system and machine components depends on this device. We must not forget that insurers, when an appropriate case occurs, intervene in each verification procedure, studying all the details in order to find the reason and, if possible, refuse to pay.
