Fiat recalls car manuals over sexism allegations


A serious scandal flares up in the Argentinean market, the culprit of which was the Italian carmaker Fiat. In the Argentinean market, a serious scandal flares up, the culprit of which was the Italian carmaker Fiat.

Media representatives note that the scandal is associated with instructions for using the car, which are issued to all buyers, in particular - with one of its sections, giving recommendations on how to feel more pleasure from the car.

So, one of the recommendations informs about how to behave if, in addition to the driver, there is a woman in the car.

“If there is a woman in the co-driver's seat who is wearing a short dress or skirt, it is recommended to transfer her to the back seat so that the driver does not lose concentration while driving,” reads one of the recommendations. “If the skirt is long enough, but the driver has "Playful arms" - it is also better to transplant it to the back row seat "In addition, the instructions contain a note that the second driver must have at least attractive legs.

Such recommendations caused a lot of outrage among public structures involved in the protection of women's rights, which said that such jokes could be regarded as "misogynistic."

The Argentine office of the auto concern Fiat has already apologized and noted that the authors of the instruction did not want to offend the rights of women. In the near future, the instructions will be withdrawn, while the company decided not to disclose which car they belonged to.
